How to improve magento performance

According to Google search , Google is Using site speed in web search ranking.But sometime this is not true because research from Google and Microsoft shows that slower websites convert less and that the effect of a slow website is lasting.


Today we are going to discussion about the speed of your Magento platform? If you’re serious about e-commerce, 9 out of 10 times Magento will be your best choice overall when looking at features, flexibility and TOC. But there are some complaints about Magento being a very slow system.

Check the below tips :


General tips (System environment ) :

1.    Use a dedicated server rather than shared hosting.
2.    Select a local Vander and/or Host for your site as per  target customer
3.    Don’t host files on your web server that you do not use, large or small like media etc.
4.    Use a PHP accelerator like APC, ZendOptimizer+ or Xcache.
•    APC –  Increased the APC.shm.size to something like 128 to allow more

data to be cached by apc.
•    Xcache – Use Xcache
5.    Only install necessary Apache modules.
6.    Enable Gzip Compression in htaccess.

7.    Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for parallel transfer of static content.

8.    Enable Apache KeepAlives

9.   Turn off or at least reduce web server logging

10. Query Cache size  …. Read more about Query Cache

11 . Change realpath_cache_size in php.ini.


realpath_cache_size=1M (careful, this is per apache process) realpath_cache_ttl=86400 
(ok for production site)

12. Use Memcache (for the hardcore) .

13. Use sa seperate backend server to handle admin users, process backend activity    (cron), pre generate full page caching and to handle media queries.

14. Use Varnish reverse proxy caching.

15 . Use best  cache extensions .





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